Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm finally mad enough...

Seriously, get the fuck over yourselves. You do not run the school. You are a bunch of bitchy girls who love making others feel inferior to you. Cool, you're all friends. That's wonderful. We get the fucking point. And what? You want to hear that every girl who isn't part of your stupid group is jealous? Well, you're all delusional. You aren't the shit, you just think you are. You all go waste away your lives drinking away your brain cells and have fun with the rest of high school. Because after we graduate? YOU ARE NOTHING. Last year, I probably would have wanted to be friends with you guys, invited to your parties too. I was friends with some of you even. I could care less about being friends with you guys now. It just bugs the shit out of me that you guys actually think you are real. You're all as fake as they come. Trust me, I would know. My "best friend" is one of you. And you know what is the shittiest part? I bet you guys you could make her turn on me. That's what you do. Turn people shitty. This is the only reason I care because you turned my best friend into one of you. I'm happy with who I have in my life. No one cares what you do. NO ONE CARES THAT YOU ARE THE BITCH CLIQUE. We all get you're bitchy and "popular." Both those things are overrated so get once again, get over yourselves. Just grow up and realize that high school is almost over. Your fame is almost up. Have fun while it lasts ladies.

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